
Below some comments from parents who have been or are part

of the school:

StarChild Academy Lake Mary has exceeded all our our expectations. I always felt safe having my son here. He will be back for camps ! We are growing up and moving on....Thank you for everything 🙂

I knew this day was going to come but I didn't think it would be this hard. Today marks the end of what I can only think to call an ERA. From the time my oldest was 3 months old ( just about 13 years ago ) we have been part of the StarChild Academy Family. I can't even begin to name all of the people who have touched our lives, made a difference in my children's future or simply blessed our family be being part of it. There are simply no words to explain what this time in our lives and our children's lives have meant. We have crated LIVELONG friends who became family, created memories that will last a lifetime and shared more together than simply the grade school years. From my oldest son who was 3 months all the way to 5th grade and through my 2nd pregnancy all the way to 3rd grade, this building has become a second home and place of comfort. The people inside have changed, the friendships gave grown, the relationships have strengthened and the stories are endless - every one holding a constant and forever place in our hearts. It would be a 4 hour slide show if I could put all my favorites as my children have truly' grown up before our eyes' here. To everyone who helped make my children who they are today - I am forever grateful. TO those who will be apart of our lives for the rest of our lives - we cherish you and are so grateful our paths crossed at StarChild. And to all the people who we may have lost touch with over the years, thank you for being part of our journey and made it that much more meaningful and memorable. Thank you for the lifelong memories and friendships StarChild. I am FOREVER grateful You will always hold your own special place in my heart.

Good Morning!
Our daughter Siya Pathak is a student of Preschool A at your school. We are writing this note as a way to express our sincere gratitude towards Starchild Academy's great teachers and fabulous staff. Each day we find ourselves blessed to have found this as our daughter's place to be when we are busy working, but our minds are at peace that she is in great hands.
We wish we could as every year extend our thanks in person, but the current situation does not allow that. Yet, we want to give a great shout out to both of you for running this facility, big applause to all teachers and front desk staff with special mention to Preschool A teachers who had been wonderful in the past year with Siya.
Please convey our message to Miss Wanda, Miss Sabrina, Miss McKinsey, and Miss Perla. You all have been pivotal in Siya's learning and growth for the past year. Your great care for the kids never goes unnoticed. We want to thank you from the bottom of our hearts. Siya still miss all of you each day and needless to say how much we miss sending her to your care for her all-round development. Best wishes to you and your family. Stay safe. Looking forward to the current situation to get back to normal and Siya sees you all soon.
Fun note: Siya pretends to talk to you almost every day on her toy phone, explaining what she is doing now :).

Good morning, We had a parent teacher conference at Layer Elementary for my son and received grand reviews. His teacher said he is 1 of 5 students in the class that is more advanced so they are teamed up together and receiving more challenging materials than the rest of the students. She also said his penmanship is by far the best. She has confidence he will excel even more this year and surpass the standards set for kindergarten students. Please share and express our sincere gratitude to Ms. Claudia, Ms. Arie, Ms Tiffany and all other teachers who have assisted those ladies with curriculum and had a part in his early learning at StarChild Academy. We are excited to see how our daughter grows and progresses through the years while in your care. She is already showing great successes with potty training, writing and language skills. Thank you again and have a great day!

Ms Sheron in the kitchen is the best 🙂
Having Ms Teya as my children teacher was a blessing. Ms Emma also had a huge impact on the children. If feels like family as the children go through the different rooms, and we are treated as family as well. We will miss you guys and the children constantly ask about their teachers.
I hope we are still allowed to visit on Wednesday for bacon & french toast!

  • Good Afternoon Ms Melissa
  • I am glad to share a the news about my son Sheehari Gopinath who is studying in Kindergarten B. My employer has conducted a "Young Writers Contests 2019" and Shreehari has won the award "Secret Super Star". Attaching his wiring and award 🙂
  • Well, we all know where Shreehari has started and where he is now. All these were possible just because of Ms Abbey and all other teacher at StarChild Academy.
  • I am sharing this with you to let you know the impact that Ms Abbey has on Shreehari.
  • Thanks once again for everything that you for us.
  • Uma
  • Great teachers and support staff. We are sad to be leaving but we are moving. Thank you all, for making our 1st time daycare experience great ! We appreciate the love and care you all showed little Jagger.
  • The staff was great all around. Couldn't be more pleased with everything.
  • The Martinez’s


Most of the time when you hear from a parent it is usually a complaint or question….. When things are good, we seem to forgot to let you know about it as well.

I wanted to take the time to tell you how happy I have been with the teachers in Infant Room B. My daughter Alexis ( “Princess”) Martinez has been at StarChild Academy Lake Mary since she was 8 weeks old. Lexie will be turning 1 soon and I know she will eventually be transferring over to the 1 year old classes which has made me appreciate more and more the teachers in Infant B knowing we are going to have to get to know new teachers.

Ms Stacey is so organized and on top of things, and Lexie just loves her so much. She keeps on top of me with forms and diapers and such...understanding the hectic life of a working parent. When Lexie first started crawling Ms Stacey recorded that for me so that I wouldn’t miss our...Being a working parent, sometimes you feel like you are going to miss those things not being around all day…. So it is very refreshing knowing that the teachers care enough to get it on camera so we don’t miss out on those milestones for our little ones.

Ms Lizbeth is always smiling and so affectionate with the babies...That is helpful knowing the love they would be getting from me, they are getting it from their teachers.

Ms Alejandra and Ms Abby are also both so great with the babies and with me when I come to drop her off or pick her up.

I just want you to know that a great team of teachers you have there. I keep asking then if they will just continue to move to the different room with Lexie. 🙂 It is so comforting as a parent to know your child is in good/loving hands while you are working.

I am going to miss them when Lexie transitions to the next room and I know Lexie will too ! ( I even thought about changing her birthday in the system so she can stay longer. Jk! 🙂 )

I fell it was worth taking the time to make sure they are recognized for the outstanding job they do with our children.


Kelle Martinez


• Hi Elena,


With the Holidays fast approaching, I just wanted to take a moment to say Thank You to you, Stuart and the entire Starchild Academy Lake Mary Staff! Everyone is so amazing to our kids and we're so happy to have you be a part of our family. I feel lucky to have our boys in an environment where they're loved and nurtured on a daily basis. I can't say enough great things about each of the boys teachers... they truly are one-of-a-kind!!


Please pass along the below to the teachers of Pre-K C and Toddler B/C:


Twinkle, Brenda and Jamie:
Thank you from the bottom of my heart for all that you for Caden! You are all so very special to our family and we appreciate you so much! The performance yesterday was just perfect and I truly appreciate all of the hard work, time and effort that you guys put into it.... It is a memory we will never forget! The gifts we received yesterday from him were more than I could have asked for, thank you for putting the time into making us something so personal and special. I will cherish them forever!


Sammie, Sylvia, Erin, Maria and Marcella:
What more can I say other than "Thank You". Caleb loves you all so very much! I love knowing that when I drop him off each morning (even if he has a few tears) he's in great hands that will love on him just as much as we do! 🙂 He's grown so much over the last year and I attribute a lot of it to you guys... Thank You!


Thank you for being there to put a smile on Caden's sweet little face! You always know how to cheer him up when he's got the "Monday Blues!"


Thank you for being there when I have questions and for always being so understanding and comforting!


Wishing you all a very Merry Christmas!


Thank you,


Kristen and Tom Dudczak

  •  Knopp Family

I just wanted to send you a quick note letting you and your staff knows how happy we were with Star Child Academy Lake Mary's program for my littlest one, Chloe Knopp.

The entire staff made it a point to truly get to know my daughter's likes and dislikes. Every teacher Chloe interacted with was nurturing, caring, and sharing all kinds of stories with me about her day. This tells me that all the teachers played with the children on an individual basis as well as in a group setting.

It is with honor that I write this letter to all parents to let them know that their children are in good hands when they are dropped off at StarChild Academy Lake Mary.

Happy Holidays,

Dawn Knopp
(Chloe's Mommy)


The Derroso’s


Thank you so much. I just want you to know we miss you all greatly. The academics and the prestige of StarChild has set very high standards for our family. Sadly we have not found a school here in South Florida that compares to the education Adyson received at StarChild Academy. Thank you again for all that you do.



We sincerely believe Liz’s leadership has had a direct and significant impact on our experience at StarChild Academy. She has taken your organization to the next level, providing communication and organization skills that was lacking in the past. She deserves a “shout-out” too.

Jennifer Geaslen and Tim Crosby
Parent’s of Owen


Hi Elena,

Thank you so much for having the Pre-k class go check out the OC History Center, they really enjoyed it. Our son came home telling me all about it. This was his first school field trip and he loved it!!!!

Thank you again for putting this together for the kids. You guys do a great job at Starchild. Because of the work he has been doing at your facility he scored in the 88 percentile in writing and 80 percentile in reading on his entrance exam at Masters, which is truly amazing.


Dear Elena and Stuart,


We are coming to the end of the school year, and our son is about to graduate from preschool. As I reflect on how much he has learned at StarChild Academy Lake Mary during the last three years he spent at your school I think about our journey to this day. Our son has spent the first two years of his life at home with a nanny at our house while I worked from home. When he turned two years old, we decided it was time for him to go into a daycare facility to socialize with other children since he is an only child. He spent those first three months at another facility (will not mention names to protect the innocent...) by the time we realized that it was not the proper fit for us and what we wanted for our son. During this time you were in the beginning stages of opening StarChild Academy Lake Mary and I was starting to hear amazing reviews about it from acquaintances. So we decided to give it a try and I have to say I do not regret it. My immediate first impression of your facility was warm and welcoming it felt as you walk in and how big each classroom is. The kids have plenty of space to play, learn and take naps without being on top of each other unlike other facilities we toured in the area.


It has been a great experience for our family. I am mostly impressed with how much he has learned and how well prepared he is for kindergarten. Though your facility is thought to be like a daycare, it is handled more like a preschool where the children learn starting at an early age. When I spoke with the entrance director at Masters about our interest in starting him at the elementary school there, her first few questions to us were: has he attended any type of preschool before and where? when I told her that he has been going to StarChild Academy Lake Mary for the past three years, she immediately put out a big smile on her face and said that he would have no problem getting in as she knew how prepared the kids came from StarChild Academy Lake Mary. So take this as a reassurance that you guys are doing a GREAT job. I absolutely love how advance the curriculum is without being too strict on the children, on the contrary, the love it!!


Lastly, but just as important is the warm environment you create for the kids at StarChild Academy Lake Mary. I am amazed how you know ALL of the kids' names from every single class. I also appreciate how you try to make the days fun for the children. Whether be with a field trip to the Orange County Regional Historic Center or try to recreate the "Olympics" for the kids, you really do make an effort to make it enjoyable for the children and the parents.


So thank you for everything you have done, you guys have done an excellent job. Feel free to use this letter and/or our contact information as reference for any prospective parent looking to enroll their child into StarChild Academy Lake Mary. I have nothing but great things to say about your school. Keep up the good work!!


Mrs. Chaudhuri ( January 2019 )


My child was here for about one and half years. In this time he has learned so much and he got great deal of love and care from the teachers.


I am feeling really sad to leave StarChild Academy Lake Mary. I t was a great loving journey for both of us.

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